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Richard Walter Jenkins Jr. was born in November of 1925 in Wales to an hard drinking coal miner cum absentee father and a pub barmaid.

Growing up in a rough steel mill town under the roof of his older sister and her husband, he left school to work in the mines after his sister’s husband (like both parents before him) fell ill, due to the unregulated, non-unionized working conditions, before joining the RAF, where he served as navigator.

His omnipresent sideline in theatrical productions led to adoption by acting tutor and schoolmaster Philip Burton, and he fell under the wing of none other than Sir John Gielgud. As part of a Gielgud-led touring company, he came Stateside, winning both a World Theatre Award and a succession of Hollywood film roles.

His leading role in The Robe both kicked off a proper filmic career and entangled him in a decades long, fiery on and off relationship with Elizabeth Taylor, who’d star with him in numerous films and tabloid headlines throughout the 60s and 70s.

Starring in everything from critical accolade-bedecked dreck like Look Back inAnger, Equus and Night of the Iguana and excellent films like The Spy Who Came in From the Cold, 1984 or Where Eagles Dare to cult absurdities Candy, The Medusa Touch and Exorcist II, Burton was arguably more famed for his offscreenantics than his own theatrical talents…and had a rollercoaster of a career that reflected both his notable highs and precipitous lows.

Join us as we take on one of the most notorious thespians to walk the boards and chew the cinematic scenery, the late great Richard Burton, only here on Weird Scenes!

Week 106 (9/21/23): Who’s Afraid of Liz and Dick? The Tempestuous Career of Richard Burton


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